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        »  w圄  »  w圄岻佛


      2010-03-10 09:51:48


        Im far from a hater。 You got talent I love you。厘功云音頁匯奎剤曲蕊議繁。低嗤嘉嬬厘祥浪枋磧

        who can stop me is me。峪嗤厘嘉嬬聞徭失唯和

        I play every game as if it is my last厘委耽匯白脅(d─ng)恬厘議恷朔匯

        No matter what just do not give up。Always believe that your dream can come true just keep working for what you want to achieveo泌採脅音勣慧勣猥田禝詈膿敏F(xi┐n)旺拝適薦議號^況。

        I do not know what a pure point guard is I just play the game do whatever is necessary to win even it means I have to be selfish厘音岑祇匯陣白朔l(w┬i)頁奕啜厘峪岑祇勣畠薦ネ拈祥麻駅恂誼"徭暴"。

        They can not break me。 The only way to break me is to kill meAnd everything that does not kill me makes me stronger麿音辛嬬嬉宜厘茅掲∩卜遇販採音嬬∩卜匍直蓉綜厘厚

        I do not to respect and fear anyone厘音喘恊嶷才墾殿販採繁

       I always think I could miss20 shots and believe that the21st is going inI just keep fighting厘頁X誼厘誘払念20誘旺拝猥田乃21白匯協M[雙司撚四^況。

        Ive learned to play when Im strugglingI think thats what being a professional and growing up is all about。 You realize youre not going to play well every night。 You keep fighting and something good will happen。壓^況^殻嶄厘W(xu└)阻奕售鯒。厘訥脳擁牌藺I(y┬)白T議畠何。低苧易阻低音辛嬬耽絡脅嬉誼載挫徽低音唯議^況嗤挫並欺躓。

        Its all about always believing Ive seen the bad side of life and I survived。Now I plan to enjoy the good side。 And I dont plan to look back。 My past has taught me a lot and Im not ashamed of it it taught me how quickly things can be taken away from you。 It taught me how important it is to believe in yourself even if others turn their back on you。 It wasnt easy waking up in a cell。 But it wouldve been easier to quit。 I didnt do that。 I fought through the hard times椎乂脅頁P(gu─n)噐佚廷厘(j┤ng)v阻伏試嶄菜圧議匯中遇伏贋和軈厘勣輅榁精探漬暫譱[匆子吏指心[匍吊^肇縮阻厘載謹載謹厘旺音哈參u万聞厘苧易附議|廉頁匯妝凛祥払肇議。万御V厘喟h猥砺埃oe繁奕担心頁謹担議嶷勣。楿躓鎚製舫佩躄音否叟遇曜竃祥龍狒。厘]嗤曜竃。厘^況广業^阻恷Dy議r豚

        Only The Strong Survive宀伏贋

        I am what I am厘祥頁厘"厘音頁匯ゴ鶺槌祇蟻賠易議繁丗酵萱萱議繁厘匆音頁匯議祭匯M議幻H匯才鋲議嬋健匯挫猝オ津靡封崛厘左祥音麻挫繁。

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